Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Good Ideas GONE WILD

So, I'm not mad or anything at the person who suggested that we have a garden this year. I think this person has good intentions (generally speaking) and has incredible vision and garden-hero-potential, too. This person suggested a small-ish garden with a nice variety of fruits and vegetables along with some flowers and herbs, you know, to, uh...make it prettier and more fragrant...no...to, um, attract "beneficial insects". What? 

The person who had this great idea is usually the kind of person who sits on the couch and imagines things that are pretty or clever or useful. This person may also simply get ideas from Pinterest and pin the night away but never actually do anything, per se, with said good ideas. Well, not this time. The person who suggested this thing actually created  the garden. That same person used an actual tiller (A MACHINE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE), planted actual seeds, AND remembered to water the seeds. Surprised, and a little bit scared,  at the rate at which these seeds became tiny leafy green things, this person did not succumb to fear. This person finished  the making of the garden, including building a fence (okay...wrapping plastic netting stuff around poles and using zip ties to secure it), planning where to put the leafy, green things, and even installed a GATE...AND decorated the garden with a metal sunflower thingy and a pinwheel. 

This person was so committed to the idea of a garden that cinder blocks soon became homes for herbs, strawberries, and various pretty flowers, and the leftover wine corks became garden markers. I have to say, it is pretty amazing. The person who orchestrated this entire thing and sowed seeds and planted tiny plants that grew from seeds is pretty. Haha! I should have said pretty amazing, but she's pretty, too, so I needed to add that, you know. That Alyssa has really outdone herself this time, if I do say so myself.


  1. NO WAY! I am TOTALLY impressed!!! What were the chilluns doing when you orchestrated all these parts of a huge project?! I was pretty sure this was the hubby you were referring to. . . maybe except the Pinterest and metal sunflower.

    1. It's been hard for me to remember to call the kids their blog names in the response to this...so...for THE THIRD TIME...

      Doof was at school and Stinks was either napping or sitting in the yard in his exersaucer and working on his farmers tan.

